Continuing the ideas started in Inspiration Clip 1 Part 1
Sky and Frida Showcase ALHC 2005
(Again the song is [amazon_link id=”B00129VRAK” target=”_blank” ]Slim and Slam’s Look-A There[/amazon_link])
After re-reading Part 1, I’ve decided to deviate from the “list of things I like in the order they happen,” format to something a bit more focused. My thoughts have crystalized into three themes: Contrasts in Body Isolation, Spinal Alignment (or posture) and Highlighted Movement.
Body Isolation
I guess body isolation can mean a lot of different things in different dance contexts. The meaning I’m focusing on is isolating the upper body from vertical movement in the lower body by absorbing at the knees and hips. It gives a very smooth, floating look to the dance and accents the dynamic look of jumps when they happen.
This contrast is showcased early on at at 0:26

(isolating the torso from jumping give a floating look) and 0:28

(jumping with the entire body really pops out).
There’s what looks like what’s supposed to be a similar contrast at 1:00 (a scoot step)
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and 1:03 (a jump). Unfortunately they don’t jump at the same time, and the effect is lost.

Interestingly, Skye scoots with his knee really high. Frida’s isn’t as high (relative to her own body) and that loses some of the partnership balance which looks like it was supposed to be there. Skye’s accent is highlighted at Frida’s expense as opposed to the previous movement at 0:26, where they both match.
The entire bowed bass solo from 1:00 to 1:41 and the guitar solo which follows to about 2:00 is leave out the lyrical accents from the opening section of the song, giving the choreography room for lots of smooth movement. You can see another matching jump at 1:14, though it’s smaller. Then what looks like was supposed to a be higher matching jump at 1:18 that isn’t. They don’t match in heights or timing, so some of the emphasis which should be there is lost (I’m sure an expert judge saw this kind of thing immediately, but it took me 20 viewings to figure out what was bothering me about that moment).
A great isolation is the lateral movement from 1:51 to 1:55 (bump-a-dum-a-dum-a-dum). The legs are moving up and down, but their torsos stay even.
Spinal Alignment
Maybe this is something that I picked out because I’m working on it in my own

dancing, but it’s interesting how straight up and down their spines are for the majority of the dance. Skye contrasts this a lot more with a bent over position, especially on the “Look-a-THERE” hits (look at the sequence from 0:38 to 1:00). I think this was a powerful realization for me since when I watch Skye dance, he gives the illusion of being bent over all the time. But actually, it’s done infrequently enough to really contrast with his normal posture.

Highlighted Movement
I’ll be honest. This is something it took me 10 days of repeat viewings to pick up on (but seems obvious in retrospect). Their choreography includes moves to highlight each other as individuals not just the partnership.
The synchronized jump I mentioned at 1:14, is followed by a move sequence where Sky jumps twice on his own, on the inside turn at 1:15 and the left hand leading from behind his back at 1:17. This really highlights his movement, while Frida takes a back-seat. Each “look-a-THERE” hit highlights Skye. But watch the sequence at the transition to the bowing solo from 0:56 to 1:00. Definitely a Frida moment. She giving the illusion of skating just above the floor.
I’m just guessing here, but it looks like 1:31 to 1:36 was supposed to highlight her again with a slow, oozing walk followed by a double-turn in two counts. It didn’t happen, and you can actually see at 1:36 where Skye leads a turn and Frida breaks frame.
The turns are definitely highlighting Frida, even the single turns. I think this is done a couple times by the simply breaking convention. One of the earliest moves beginners learn is to trade places in six counts, with the follows doing an inside turn. At 1:58, they do this with an outside turn and in 8 counts. And again at 2:04.
So that’s my examination. Do you agree with what I’m seeing? Disagree? Spot some other theme that I’ve overlooked? I’d love to hear what other people think about this clip.
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